4 New Features With Google Search Result Page

In the last few weeks,Google has rolled out it new and improved search result page.

How different is this new search result page.

  1. Google places maps image is not anymore incorporated in the organic results.
    With the new look, the map image has moved to the top of the right side bar. proceeding all advertiser. Historically this bar was dedicated fully to advertisers. With theses ads being pushed down, the position 4 and 5 of Google Adwords are not so attractive and productive as before.
  2. Double indented listing has been reduced or not in use as before.
    Historically Google was the only search engine presenting two related pages in an indented listing style on a search result page. Such an indented listing received up to 25% more clicks than a regular listing. For that reason SEO have tried their best to get double indented listing. Well now it is not the case anymore because Google is presenting related pages to the same website consecutively one after the other without any indentation.
  3. Triple page listing is back – You can dominate the Search Engine result page now.
    In a simple test we entered a key phrase and we found that a sole website was able to get 

    1. The top Ad word listing
    2. A listing on Google places
    3. A website page
    4. two pages of their blog

    in total they were able to get 5 listings on page 1 above the fold. In other words they have dominated their niche . For that simple reason I love this new way of reporting results.

  4. Interactive previewer for organic results.
    Organic results now have a loop at the end of every listing, when clicked a snapshot of a website home page will show.
    A web searcher now can preview any website before going into it. This new way of presenting data is going to change drastically clicking behavior, it will reduce drastically bounce and will put a great emphasis on good attractive design.
    now as a searcher I will avoid all the ugly website and only click on the one that I am interested in.
    On major issue with the previewer, it was not able to show flash website, except for those websites where java was used to overlay the flash movie


In summary with the new result search page Google is allowing a webmaster and SEO to get more positions on page one and dominate their niche, but it is also giving the searcher a better and enhanced experience while surfing the web.


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