What is The New Facebook Email

Facebook all in one email, text message, wall writing is finally here. Are you disappointed ? Some critics were expecting much more other were expecting a better system, but the reality is that very few of us know what is is already.

What is the new Facebook email?

  1. It is a messaging platform for interacting with people you know and care about (Friends)
  2. This new system will integrate phone text messaging, Facebook wall writing and regular email
  3. It combines every thing into one place. No more logging into Facebook then your email then checking your text messaging
  4. It is portable across platform phone or desktop…
  5. The new email system works with a Facebook personal profiles not with pages

What isn’t the new Facebook email?

  1. It is not a productivity tool, i.e. you will still have to spend sometime sifting threw the messages and reading them
  2. It is not an email replacement yet , nor it is a Gmail killer.

How different is the new Facebook mail?

  1. The new mail does not have a subject line nor a signature line
  2. All messages (MSM, email and wall writing) will come into one single thread
  3. Any conversation with one particular individual will be lumped into one single thread, which means no more search for a lost email you’ve send earlier to someone, because all interaction with that individual are all recorded in one thread

What advantages does the new Facebook email gives to a user

  1. Everything come seamlessly into one place no more logging into different places
  2. The new email is platform independent, no more Unix , Mac, i-phone… it works anywhere
  3. It is always on and available no log-out and log in ( this might be a disadvantage too, because sometime someone might need to disconnect from work)
  4. Finally a great gain from the new system is filtering spam since Facebook allows communications between friends only.

How the new system will affect internet marketer?

Since the new system will block all communications that are not coming from friends. Internet marketer will have very little reach to the masses unless they start immediately doing the following:

  1. Build relationships as fast as possible which mean in the future you can reach all these people
  2. Make sure to separate your friends from strangers. Move them to your pages.
    if Later the new Facebook email system becomes active on your pages then you will be able to communicate with these fans without disturbing your friends

After this small introduction we hope that your confusion about the new Facebook email is less and you have already started planning your next step in building stronger and faster relation in Facebook.


2 Responses to “What is The New Facebook Email”
  1. Sam J. says:

    The idea of getting rid of subjects is crazy, as is single-threading all conversations. I think everyone communicates on multiple subjects to the same people (talking with friend A about stock market AND also about that new project at work). Why would I want to combine different subjects into a single thread (hint: I wouldn’t).

    I think I still with TrulyMail (and Hotmail) so I can keep things the way they are. This latest offering from Facebook reminds me of Google who tried to ‘help me’ by removing folders.

    Please give me what I want, not what you think I want.

  2. It’s going to be interesting to see what kind of new courses the Guru’s are going to sell to us to “help us” tap into the $500-bizzilion Facebook marketing.

    Thanks for thi post Fadi!


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