How Reduce Your Adwords cost And Increase Your Revenue (Targeted techniques)

Lots of businesses use Google Adwords, right? Of course. However, only a small percent of these businesses know how to use Adwords to their best advantage. Here are a few tips.

Firstly, a lot of people don’t realize until they go to set up their account that they can actually suggest what websites they’d like their ads to appear on. Making the most of this function is easy: If you have a craft store, Google some of your keywords. Click on the top ten or so links of the results list and look to see if each site has Google ads. Write down the URLs of the ones that do. Now go back into your Adwords account and choose a “placement targeted” campaign. Now submit the list of websites that you’ve researched and would like to appear on and – voila! – You’ve got yourself some site-specific targeted advertising.


One of the most important parts of Adwords to be aware of is the difference between CPC and CPM. CPC is Cost Per Click, while CPM is Cost Per Mille (or Cost Per Thousands). That’s the next part of our process and we’re going with CPM. This means you pay Google anything from ten cents to three dollars for every time your ad is shown. You’ll probably end up paying about one tenth of what you were paying Adwords previously for much more specific advertising. Does that sound good?


Quality Score

Now, your Google Adwords campaign is measured by Goggle through your quality score, which you can find in your Google Adwords account and it will be poor, good or great. If your quality score is poor, you can improve it by re-vamping your website. This goes back to content, the holy grail of your online presence.


Improve your quality score by overhauling your content. How is your webpage laid out? Is there a good mix of pictures and text? You should aim to have at least one photo and all of your most important information on the homepage of your site, and your customer should be able to see the majority of it without having to scroll. Make sure they can navigate their way through your site easily; the best way to do this is to have a navigation bar at the top of the page. It even comes down to the colours you use throughout the site, make sure they’re consistent across the different pages so that there is a sense of uniformity and the person clicking through your sites knows they’re still on your site and it doesn’t feel like they’ve clicked through to something different.


And now we’re back to Google Adware because of course, you can have the most amazing content in the world and it won’t mean a thing if you have no one looking at it. One of the added benefits of a CPM campaign is that you get “expanded text ads” – in other words, the larger version of your ad appears on the site as well. This option is put through automatically when you click CPM in your Adwords account.

Generally, people in financial markets think a daily return of 3-5 per cent is excellent… how does a daily return of 50-100 per cent sound? Not bad, right? Well, if you follow these tips, there’s no reason why you won’t achieve that kind of return. It’s all about spending money wisely, not just in big sums. The better placed and targeted your ads are, the higher your return will be because you’re not wasting time advertising at people with no interest in your product. Remember that and inform yourself as much as you can about Google Adwords to make the most of the program.

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  • Homepage Bottom Left Widget

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  • Homepage Middle Widget

    This is an example of a text widget that you can place to describe a particular product or service. Use it as a way to get your visitors interested, so they can click through and read more about it.

  • Homepage Bottom Right Widget

    This is an example of a text widget that you can place to describe a particular product or service. Use it as a way to get your visitors interested, so they can click through and read more about it.